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  1. I want to thank you for this article. I understand how difficult it would be to write but I think most of us really appreciate it. It’s a topic, like death of a loved one, that many of us aren’t sure how to handle or what to say. We feel like if we don’t say anything then the person hurting might think we don’t care. If we do say something then it may be wrong or hurtful. It’s just hard!! So, Reb, kudos for stepping out and taking a very scary step, I’m sure, on your part and sharing. Blessing and much love to you and your family. BTW…I love the picture of the butterfly and little hand. I assume it’s B’s hand?

    1. Love you, Sally. 🙂 Yes, that’s his sweet little hand when we let the butterflies loose.

  2. I wish there was a Like button. 🙂 But that’s the lazy Facebook way out of giving feedback. Keep your chins up. This is just a season. And blessing abond in the midst.

    1. hey now…i resent “chins.” 🙂 thanks, allison.

  3. I spent 8 months unemployed this year. It was really hard both financially and emotionally, was starting to think no one would ever hire me. I appreciated the friends who bought me a coffee since that wasn’t in the budget, or offered to look over my resume and the friends and family who supported me by buying the things I was making (jam, etc,) to earn a little just to pay the bills and survive

    1. I’m so sorry you went through that, Angela. 🙁 It really is hard. But you bring up a great point about friends and family buying things you made… it’s a great way for them to support you without just giving you money. I think, especially for those who have a hard time accepting money, that’s a great option. Thank you for sharing!

  4. We just went through 6 months of being unemployed when my husband lost his job earlier this year. (He just started working again 3 weeks ago! Yay!) For the first 3 months, we had several relatives that seemed to constantly drill us on the how’s and why’s of him losing his job. Then they kept pressuring us to do this or do that or try this, etc. It was exhausting to the point of us not wanting to answer the phone. We had faith that everything happens for a reason and God had it all under control. And He did. 🙂 His 6 months of not working was such a blessing and he now has a better job that he actually enjoys.

    1. I know relatives/friends mean well, but yah….that aspect can definitely be hard. We’re holding on to hope that God has something better for us as well. 🙂 We can see the blessing in how well He provided for us going into this and also that my husband was able to spend a lot of our daughter’s first year (she was 4 months old when he was laid off) with her while he traveled a lot for work during my son’s first year. I’m so glad your husband was able to find a job that he likes so much!

  5. Just found this link from a weekend post you shared somewhere 🙂 in writing from home too with 5 kiddos going in every direction! It’s nice to “meet” you.

    1. Nice to “meet” you too, Jenny. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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