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    1. That’s very helpful, Jen! Especially the link for the Folger’s editions – thank you!

  1. This is very helpful – thank you! What bibke do you read to your children? My kids are 12 and 10, and I’m trying to decide which Bible we should use for next school year. We will be following AO suggested schedule for the first time.

    1. I use the English Standard Version in our homeschool. We did KJV early on based on this article, but my son really struggled with it and he has been much more engaged with this version.

  2. What age were your students when you started reading directly from the Bible?

    Mine’s only 3 and LOVES Ella K. Lindvall’s Read-Aloud Bible Stories series. (The only problem is at the end of each story, there’s the question, “What did you learn?”, to which “Ice cream” is the only reply, given in giggles. Of course it’s age-appropriate for a 3 yo, but I do hope she grows out of it by narration time! Lol)

    Thanks for sharing these incredible resources and your beautiful blog! (And meal plan!!) I’m very grateful for the resources to start thinking about and building our foundation early. 🙂

    1. Ice cream is an awesome answer for everything, even when you’re an adult. 😁 For school, we began reading from the Bible in Year 1. I used various children’s Bibles before that (Jesus Storybook Bible, Children of God Storybook Bible, The Child’s Story Bible [by Catherine Vos] were our favorites).

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