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    1. Oh yay! Thank you, Jen! I will add those categories to my list. 🙂 And here’s to hoping Back to the Classics also makes a sudden re-appearance!

  1. A little more “Book Club” than Reading Challenge, but I’ve enjoyed Well-Read Mom in the past. Not doing it this year because I’m committed (or trying to be) to reading books that I already own. It also follows the school year and starts in the fall. But great book selections.

    1. I responded to this in my head but apparently never did on the screen. 🙈 It’s funny you mentioned that group, Karen, as someone else mentioned them just about a week or two before you did as well. I think it’s a sign. 🙂

  2. One of my favorite challenges and one I’m getting my kids into this year is Redeeming Readers reading challenge. I am definitely going to check out the classics one since that’s something I want to tackle more of.
    I definitely count all chapter books I read aloud or ahead of my children. Middle grade is a favorite genre anyways so I will often read them on my own. I don’t count picture books simply because it would make my number soar to crazy heights.

    1. Yes, I would feel extremely accomplished if I counted picture books. 😁

  3. Thanks for this post Rebecca! I have never completed a reading challenge; finding time is so difficult sometimes. But I very much appreciate you giving us permission to include our homeschool pre-reads and read-alouds in our “personal” list! I’ve just upped my numbers. I would like to complete a reading challenge this year, and you have given me so many ideas. Please post the ones you will participate in for 2022 as I am now invested in your lists!


    1. C.S. Lewis said, “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” 🙂 I keep that in mind when I count the books I read for my kids as well. I’m not positive which lists I’ll be participating just yet, but I definitely plan to do the Back to the Classics Challenge if it’s back! I’m also toying with making one of my own. 🙂

  4. I love that you use the challenges to help you read widely but aren’t bound to finish them. I gave up early on because I didn’t think that I’d be able to finish. I also think it is important to count prereads and read alouds for our kids that is real reading too. I have a few reading groups/ buddies that help me remember to read adult books and more challenging books too. Though I really haven’t tackled anything really challenging or Russian in a year or more.goals. As my kids get older, my pre reading is definitely getting more challenging though, so I will get there naturally and eventually. Keep up the great work. Your newsletter is always a delight.

    1. I used to think I had to finish the challenges too and when I was actually participating in the Back to the Classics Challenge (where I actually signed up on the website to do it), I felt a lot of pressure and that was no fun. When I just started using it as a guide and stopped trying to fill every category by reading books I wasn’t enjoying, I liked it a lot more. 🙂 I definitely agree with you on the pre-reading! I read somewhere of an AO mom who decided to “re-do” her own education by reading all the AO Year 4 and up books on her own so I feel like I’m now doing the same for myself!

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