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  1. Did you used to recommend “Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball…” for a geography book for AO 0.5? I thought I had seen it mentioned on your page, which is why I got it for my daughter this year. IF you were the one who used it…. my question was going to be: 1) who is the “brown baby”, and what continent is she from? and 2) Did you ever find the book offensive or racist against those of darker skin colors? I tried to scan it a bit, and saw some dated language for those of darker tones, but also saw in the end it might all come together and show how we are all daughters of God? And– if you are NOT the one who used it for AO 0.5, ignore completely! I’m just trying to do a little background research before we dive into this book and I get taken by surprise by anything! 🙂 Blessings on the new school year!

    1. I found that book mentioned on a few book lists, so I did include it during my son’s kindergarten year (and it’s mentioned in my recap posts for his year). Overall, the racial references were very problematic and so I did not include it in my kindergarten curriculum. It was definitely written from the point of view of a 19th-century white woman and she injected her opinion about different cultures and races (including texture of hair and common practices) throughout the book. While I think some of the stories were excellent (the ostrich in the story about Gemila was especially good), overall I just wasn’t comfortable recommending it anymore. I believe the brown baby was from South America, but I don’t remember that Ms. Andrews ever really confirmed that.

      Ultimately, as I made my way through the book with my son, aspects of it made me very uncomfortable and I found that I had to explain several times that this was how people used to think but it wasn’t how we talk about anyone anymore. I was also influenced by the idea of reading these stories to my niece and nephew, who were born in Rwanda and Uganda, and I thought some of the language would be especially hurtful to them. I chose to switch to a more modern book that allowed children from all over the world to introduce themselves (“Children Just Like Me”).

  2. Hello Rebecca
    Thank you so much for sharing your inspiration for the K curriculum. Would you recommend each of Geography, History and Science scheduled for once a week? I’m presently using FIAR for Literature and it covers some of these areas but more as a supplemental so I am interested in how you would recommend scheduling these areas of study. Thank you.

    1. Hi Maria! I do include those subjects on a weekly basis in the Kindergarten Curriculum mainly because Charlotte Mason advocated for a rich and varied education. However, the readings and activities are very short. 🙂

  3. Hello! I’ve been reading through your posts as I look for options for the 21-22 kindergarten year for my son. Thank you for sharing all that you have done! It was so helpful hearing your perspective and experience. I am very drawn to your kindergarten curriculum. It seems like the perfect mix of the structure I crave for our days while still being gentle and easy in a Charlotte Mason inspired way. Are the details for the picture studies, composer studies, hymn and such that you referenced from Ambleside Online included in your schedule? Or would I need to curate that on my own? Also, is there a plan for a 21-22 update this spring or would I be good to purchase the curriculum now? Thank you!

    1. Hi Sarah! In the past, I have not scheduled specific art or songs for picture/composer study, hymn, or folksong because I wanted to allow people the flexibility of adding their own. However, this year I am working on something different that will schedule those in and I’ll reference either free or affordable resources for the selections I choose. So, yes, there will be an update for 21-22. 🙂 However, I don’t anticipate that it will be greatly different than the 20-21 book, so I think either one will work well!

  4. My daughter is turning six in November. We have older siblings who start school in August, and it would be easier for me to start all of the kids at the same time I know Charlotte Mason said you should wait until age six, but don’t know what to do with her until then. Is this a good curriculum to start as an older 5 or should I wait until her sixth birthday?

    1. I did it with my daughter when she was 5.5 (her birthday is in January and we started in August) as she was expressing interest in joining her brother in school. 🙂

  5. Does this curriculum have specific poems for each week or do you just recommend parents pick from the recommend poetry book?

    1. I have a few recommendations for poetry books but I do not assign specific poems. I used to, but some families found some of them not to their taste, so I decided to recommend that families pick their own.

  6. this is beautiful! I have run out of kindergarteners (my youngest is eleven now!) – but i almost wish i could be starting another little one with this :). Good work!

  7. Is there an alternative for geography besides one of the books from the Twins series? I’d like to find something a bit more easily accessible.

    1. I do have another geography book scheduled, but I don’t have any recommendations outside of the Twins books. You could certainly replace it with anything you’d like, though!

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