How does your garden grow?

Mine grows on the patio and the front porch as we don’t have a yard at this point. Over the last seven years of living in this house, we’ve collected a nice bunch of pots and attempted to grow various types of flowers and herbs and vegetables (some that really shouldn’t have been grown in a pot) in them. I’m still not a very good gardener but the black thumb that I used to brag about has morphed into a darker shade of green-gray, which is better than nothing.
This year, I took advantage of starts being available through Azure Standard and added several to our April order. I liked this option as the plants are all organic, I didn’t have to go to a gardening store and pretend I knew what I was looking for/talking about, and the prices are fantastic. They arrived in great shape and I was able to transfer them to pots within a week.

I started including herbs in my container garden a few years back and they’ve been a must ever since. While dried herbs are definitely not bad to use, I prefer the taste and nutrient properties of fresh herbs. Parsley is always at the top of the list, followed by basil (caprese salad is one of my favorite things these days), and thyme (which is in another pot). I thought I’d throw oregano into the mix this year and I think I might also add a mint plant. I’m a little wary of using too much of these herbs as they are antigalactagogues, but I don’t use them in large amounts so they shouldn’t affect my supply.

Tomatoes are also a must. B LOVES them. Last year we got a lot of flowers on our tomato plant, but no tomatoes. We’re hoping this year is better.

I selected the flowering variety pack from Rachel’s Rainbow Starts and these are two they sent. The nasturtium is exploding…I have two more flowers on it since I took this picture. The Sweet William hasn’t bloomed yet, but I can be a patient gardener.

I still have a black thumb when it comes to lavender, but I can’t help but keep buying it as I’m hopeful that one of these years I’ll get it. I have visions of drying it and making oils (that will probably never ever happen) and doing all kinds of creative things with it. At this point I’d just be happy if it grew. 🙂

I used to hate the taste of thyme, but in the last year or so, probably due in largely part to the Nourished Kitchen weekly meal plans, I’ve really developed a taste for it.

I have no idea what this one looks like, but it had me at “bee.”

Two more that I have no experience with. The statice leaves actually look kind of like a weed to me, but what do I know? 🙂
I also salvaged a tulip bulb that miraculously sprouted after being stuck in a pot in the garage all winter, but I don’t think I planted it in time as it’s kind of a sickly purple color. I’ll keep watering it, though….I have a hard time giving up on plants even after it’s apparent that they’ve called it quits.
Any container gardening tips out there?