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  1. hehehe… THE sickness… I had to chuckle. Same for us. Avoided it for 2 years!!! And then bam! went through my entire family. 🤔 Anyways… I had to pop in and say that I am always enjoying your posts. Pretty sweet that you caught a bear on camera! I know my kids would think that is “way cool!” You’ve inspired me to record what I have read for 2022. I loved the idea! It’s a struggle sometimes. I feel like when I do have the time to at least read what’s on my own personal book list, I am either too tired to read whether it be my eyes or my brain, or I just can’t focus and find myself reading the same sentence 5 times, lol… but I LOVE reading and will keep going. I have my CM books to read. Slow moving for me through Know and Tell; not because it’s boring, but just because I want to absorb every word to get the art of narration right! From what I have covered so far has been so helpful in our homeschool, especially, because we have some late narrators in the house. I still have my copy of Pride and Prejudice on my kitchen counter to continue a page or two when I can. ❤️ Following AO for each of my children has not only been educational for them but also for me. I have noticed my own reading skills and comprehension have improved quite a bit!

    1. Oh my, I have definitely been in the “reading the same sentence 5 times” camp many times! But slow and steady wins the race. 🙂 I am working on finishing “Formation of Character” but you have inspired me to read “Know and Tell” after that! And I agree….AO has been such a good education for my kids and me!

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