System Status: June 2013
No apologies, no explanations. I’m just going about my days. 🙂
In the end of June I am….
…reading Oak Meadow’s Preschool Learning Processes and Oak Meadow’s The Heart of Learning. I was thinking I want to try and get B on some kind of preschool curriculum this fall as he’ll be 3 this August, but I had really no idea what that would look like. I’ve found free curriculums online, but none of them seemed like they would fit us well so I kept looking. Oak Meadow had their annual curriculum sale a few weeks back, so I took advantage of it to pick these up and I’m so, so glad I did. Not only have they reassured me in the way we’re approaching B’s education, but also in how we’re bringing him up. That’s always a good thing.
…watching The West Wing on Netflix. I thought I hated this show when it was on (my politics at the time were…..ahem…..not really inline with the show at all), but E started watching it a few weeks ago one night and I wanted to do something with him so that ended up being it. We’ve been watching it every.single.night since. It’s not a bad show.
…loving the fact that E’s injury means he’s not traveling. 🙂
…eating lots and lots of homemade ice cream with fresh, raw cream from our dairy. If I had to choose one reason to love summer, this would be it right now.
…looking forward to E being able to walk without crutches (as I know he is too). I’m still holding on to hope that we can get some camping in this summer, though it may not be for a while. In a few weeks he’ll be able to start putting weight on it (even though he already is 😐 ) which means a little more freedom for all of us…..I hope.
…working on this sale, which ended last week but I’ll be continuing to help out until the end of the month. I’m also doing all the weekend links posts over at Keeper of the Home while Stephanie is taking a break. Recognize any of the photos? 🙂 Business has been picking up for me with several inquiries about hiring me over the last few months. That’s always good for the self-esteem!
As you can see, life is kind of revolving around E’s foot right now. Hopefully July brings some good healing for him!

love how you are looking on the bright side of this injury! not an easy thing to always do! Still praying for him! Love this update and REALLY love you all!!!