System Status: March 2014
It’s hard to believe C is already two months old. I hate how fast time goes by with tiny babies…even though it’s been a rough few months, I still want to stop time so I can stop the littleness from going away. The mom paradox.
In the end of March I am….
…reading Your Three-Year-Old, because I have no idea how to parent a three-and-a-half year-old. Even though I don’t agree with everything said in the book, it’s been so helpful in trying to understand how B views the world and how I can work with that. Unfortunately, their main advice for moms of three-and-a-half year-olds is to either get a full-time babysitter or put them in daycare. Seriously. I also have the Where’d You Go Bernadette audiobook waiting for me on my iPod. I finished Bossypants earlier this month which was very amusing. 🙂
…watching The Blacklist and Cosmos. E and I have really been into these two shows lately. We also watched Catching Fire this last weekend…it was SO MUCH better than the first one. I read the books a few years ago (while nursing B to sleep :)) and loved them. The first movie was such a disappointment but this one definitely made up for it.
…loving thredUP and this baby wrap (seen above). B was in sore need of some pants to wear around the house (though he still prefers to run around in his underwear) and I was in sore need of non-maternity pants that actually fit me (the baby weight seems to be making itself right at home this time around :|), but I didn’t want to go to Once Upon a Child or Clothes Mentor (my clothing boutiques of choice) with him and a newborn, so I shopped online and get some really fantastic items for very little. The baby wrap I bought used off of a friend and it is miles above the Moby in terms of how well it works. I can’t believe I didn’t try a woven wrap a long time ago. Bonus: if you use that link to go to thredUP and buy something, you get $10 off your order and I get $10 off my next order. Win-win!
…eating dessert. Like, every night. See previous paragraph that mentions baby weight. :\ Today’s guilty pleasure is coconut fudge. Nom nom nom.
…looking forward to moving (and not having to look for houses anymore). We’ve been actively looking for a house for a few weeks now. We found a beautiful one in the mountains that was listed on a Saturday. We met with our realtor the same day, and asked her on Sunday to schedule a showing. That was for Monday at 5, but the house was under contract by Monday morning. 🙁 We found another one that I really liked this last weekend and it was also off the market within a few days. This is not going to be fun.
I am the queen of run-on sentences….