You’ve got me wanting you.
We’re two days into the sugar detox and it’s already been a challenge. Considering we’re going from fruit sugars throughout the day, usually some kind of chocolate at night, and various holiday sweets every single day to no more than a green-tipped banana or green apple per day, I shouldn’t be too surprised, but I actually am. I thought I had sugar under control, but now that I can’t have it, it’s more clear to me that I didn’t.
The point of the detox isn’t to eliminate sugar completely permanently. And I think that’s what’s getting us through right now….that this isn’t permanent and we only have to do it for three weeks. E keeps talking about all the sweets he’s going to have when we’re done, but I think I’m hoping this resets my palate. When a green apple is a suitable dessert instead of me craving a dark coconut toffee bar every night. If nothing else, I know that cleansing my body of all the sugar I’ve put into it for the last month or so is good for it. Even if I fill it right back up.
Thought I hope I don’t!
Another challenge has been coming up with recipes that don’t have dairy in them. We haven’t eliminated it completely as we’re still downing the raw milk, but we’ve decided to stick with the plan and not have any other type of dairy (aside from butter and ghee). I’m actually kind of surprised how many times a day I think about cheese. Apparently I really like cheese.
B is still happily chomping down on his bananas and blueberries and kefir and all that stuff as he isn’t the one who went overboard on sugar over the holidays. Hooray for being an adult! 🙂
Wish us luck! I’m sharing our journey here so that when we fall flat on our faces, you can all join in our shame. Don’t I sound positive? 🙂 No really, I believe in us!
No really….