2022 a humble place Year in Review (and 2023 plans!)

(“At rest the year tends in cloak of cold.”)
I’m taking next week off and will be spending as little time as possible on my computer, so I thought I’d wrap up the year this week. In this post, I’ll be sharing some popular things on my site from this year as well as my plans in the coming year!
Top 10 Posts on the Blog
2022-2023 AmblesideOnline Picture Study Art Print Files Free Download! These are always popular posts as well, and I’m happy I can provide these files for free, with no strings attached, to my fellow AO users!
My Favorite Resources for Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: Language Arts This entire series was very popular, but this post especially ranked at the top. I know that when we came up to Year 4, I was nervous about the Language Arts subjects we needed to add to our rotation, but it ended up being much easier than I thought it would be!
Free Printable Calendar for Homeschoolers! I look forward to releasing this download every year, and I’m glad it made this list!
My Favorite Resources for Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: Geography and Math I am not at all surprised that this one made the list as I think math is an especially troubling area for many home educators. And in a Charlotte Mason education specifically, geography can be somewhat abstract.
My Favorite Resources for Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: Art and Handicrafts Another one from the favorites series. This one covered topics related to art, like making art and picture study, as well as handicrafts.
How to Get Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling This is the post that really started the series and provides simple steps to get started with a Charlotte Mason education in your homeschool.
40+ YouTube Videos to Watch with ‘The Burgess Animal Book for Children’ Lists are usually popular posts, and this one follows suit! I found 40+ videos to go along with The Burgess Animal Book for Children that both of my students enjoyed while we were reading through it.
My Favorite Resources for Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: Bible and Shakespeare I love that Bible lessons are meant to be very simple in a Charlotte Mason education. My experience with Bible lessons from my own childhood was very different and I feel that was to my detriment. And Shakespeare is another topic that can be intimidating to new homeschoolers (myself included!), but it has become one of my favorite subjects in our lesson time.
My Favorite Resources for Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: History and Plutarch Plutarch was incredibly intimidating to me before we started reading through the Lives in Year 5, so I understand why this one is on the list as well!
My Favorite Resources for Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: Nature Study and Science Now that I’m making this list, I’m realizing that I say the phrase “x has become one of my favorite subjects in our homeschool,” and nature study and science are no different. That’s the power of a Charlotte Mason education, when almost every subject becomes a favorite one! Nature study, especially, is close to my heart.
Top Products
I thought I’d also share which have been the most popular products in my shop!
Picture Study Aid
Seasonal Art Devotion
Quote and Verse Print
Custom Planner Cover
New Picture Study Aids
This year I refreshed two older Picture Study Aids by adding an additional image and offering print versions of John Singleton Copley and Claude Monet. I also offered new Picture Study Aids covering Katsushika Hokusai, Leonardo da Vinci, Mary Cassatt, John William Waterhouse, and a free one that follows the AmblesideOnline picture study rotation for John Singer Sargent. I also redesigned parts of the inside of the Picture Study Aid with the release of John William Waterhouse!
2023 Plans
My plans for next year are to continue releasing new Picture Study Aids. I have a tentative list of artists, though I’m hesitant to make announcements about specific artists because life happens and I don’t want to make promises that I can’t keep. I will however say that I hope to offer Picture Study Aids for Tintoretto and Georges Seurat in the early part of the year (“hope” being the key word here!). If there are any artists you’d like to see, let me know in the comments!
I will also be releasing a new version of the Charlotte Mason-Inspired Kindergarten Curriculum in March!
As this is my last post of 2022, I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!

So thankful for what you do! I’d love to see a Picture Study Aid for Berthe Morisot 😊
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ❤️
Thank you, Kelli! She is another one on my potential artists list. 🙂