Over the last few years, I’ve written a few posts listing all the books mentioned in PNEU Programme 94 for Forms I and II (or first through third grades and fourth through sixth grades) students. As I wrote then, PNEU Programme 94, which lists the books and resources each Form would be using over the course of the term, was the last one published before Ms. Mason’s death in early 1923. This Programme, as my friend Dawn puts it, is the last Programme “we know of from Charlotte Mason’s life.” My son is heading into Form III (seventh grade) this fall, so I’m once again returning to the Programme to see what possible additions to the feast it holds.
As a bibliophile, I love these lists as they’ve introduced me to books I would never have heard of otherwise. I appreciate them even more as a homeschooling mom because they give me great ideas and suggestions for books to use in our own homeschool. One of the books that stood out to me, particularly from Form III, was Architecture Shown to the Children by Gladys Wynne. She was obviously excited about her subject and had a perfect sense of humor for kids of this age.
I’ll again preface this list by saying that I’m posting it purely for informational purposes and not so anyone feels pressured to use these exact books in their own homeschool. It’s interesting to me to see what the students whose families used these Programmes were reading, and, more specifically, what Ms. Mason herself chose for them. And as I said above, I like to use these lists to get ideas for what we can use in our homeschool. While this is definitely not the case for every book listed below, I think it’s interesting to look at the style and kinds of books they used for different subjects and use that information when considering what to include in our lesson time.
In the tables below, each title is linked to an online version of that particular book (or as close as I can get) if I have been able to find one. I also included the name of the author and publisher as listed in the Programme if available. And I have also linked to a modern reprint if available, though I can’t vouch for all of these links as I don’t own most of them. In cases where I own a copy of the book listed, I’ve linked to that particular version. All of the others are purely for informational purposes. Overall, I can say that Yesterday’s Classics and Living Book Press have done an excellent job of publishing high-quality reprints of classics, and I have been pleased with every single book I’ve purchased from both of these businesses. If you are looking for a book not listed below, I’d highly recommend checking out these two publishers to see if they offer that title. And if you see any modern reprints I’ve left out, please let me know!
* I believe this was a typo – it should be Hardwich. ** This is not the same version mentioned in the Programme but a modern version from the same publisher. *** This is listed as optional “with lessons on Advent and Christmas.”
Sunday Reading
(This was in the Bible Lessons section.) Sunday reading is listed as optional in the Programme.
Added under “Sunday Occupations” is the following: For private daily Bible reading, children may use Daily Readings from the Old Testament by H. Franklin and L. Montagu [I was unable to find this online]. For New Testament: a Gospel in suitable portions. (b) A Boy’s Book of Prayer by A. Devine [I was unable to find this online.
* I believe this was a typo – it should be M. C. ** The A Nature Study Guide link is to the 1924 version, which was released after this particular Programme.
* The Programme does not list the author of this book, and the title is not unique. I think this is the correct book, as the assigned reading is pages 103-127 which corresponds to the exact pages for the chapter on Renaissance architecture, it was published by T.C. & E.C. Jack, and it was written in a living way. ** I believe this was a typo – it should be “This” instead of “Our.”
* I’m not sure if The School Set of Mathematical Instruments is literally a set of instruments or a book of some kind, but I’m putting it here for reference.
(German is listed first, but Italian is listed as a preferred option.)
* Ten Minutes’ Lessons in Sight-Singing was used for teacher reference. The link goes to Miss. Mason’s Music which offers a wonderful guide to go with this book!
* I was not able to find online versions of Ball Games and Breathing Exercises or Music for Use in Mrs. Wordsworth’s Classes, but Charlotte Mason Poetry posted a very helpful article detailing drill and how it was done.
Rebecca graduated summa cum laude and first in her class with a bachelor's degree in art history from the University of Colorado. She has been homeschooling her two children using Charlotte Mason's methods since 2016. She enjoys the freedom found in a Charlotte Mason education and the fact that it not only nourishes the minds, hearts, and souls of her children, but hers as well.
We started Wynne’s Architecture book last year (New West) and I really like it!
It looks fantastic! I might get a copy for us. 🙂