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  1. Hi Brandy! I love this! Any suggestions for an artist other than Tintoretto? I’m not ready to give his works to my Year .5 and Year 0 yet. I’m thinking about Hokusai, because I think they’ll love him.

  2. If you’re still looking for math options, Forster’s with the Math Without Borders or Lial’s books – I recommend Holt Geometry with them – are excellent options.
    Both are college level, but please don’t let that spook you. Lial is more “remedial college level” which translates pretty well to average high school level. Forster’s is more advanced, but it’s still really accessible, especially with the videos.

  3. My eldest of 5 is beginning 7th grade! It is a sad but exciting transition. Will it be possible to obtain a sample of what your schedule looked like. We school Monday through Thursday too and would love an example on how to go about our week without muddling it. AO schedule is a bit overwhelming but I am motivated by your successful year. Also, do you combine any subjects for both your children to complete together? Thank you for sharing your yearly school years!

    1. I don’t have my weekly schedules posted anywhere (you can usually see at least part of them in my #sundayhomeschoolplanning posts on Instagram:, but I do have a post about how I plan my weeks. This has changed slightly over the last few years, but the idea is generally the same ( I’ll add, too, that I was unable to finish all of the Year 7 readings doing school 4 days a week, so we had to do a few things on Friday as well. I hope to redo that post soon!

      I combine them in Morning Time (which includes Folksongs, Hymns, Picture Study, and Composer Study), Bible, Spanish, Nature Study, Handicrafts (unless they want to do something different on their own), Shakespeare, Plutarch, and Drawing. I am always looking for new ways to combine them, though. 🙂 I hope that helps!

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