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  1. Couldn’t agree more with everything you wrote. I am very glad that I have not done rigorous academic kindergarten with my 3 oldest children. There is so much to learn by the way during age 5 (and early 6) without really formal lessons and my children have been so much more hungry for more usually beginning around 6 or 6 1/2 depending on the child. I’m glad my state does not require kindergarten and only sad that this is the first year where mandatory schooling (homeschool and otherwise) must begin at age 6. Previously, it was age 8 which gave me lots more latitude and freedom to really follow my child’s lead without the added stress of documenting learning. Of course, there is always a way to meet your child where they are at AND meet state standards, but still, it was nice to have more freedom and flexibility.

    1. We have been fortunate in that we live in a state that require enrollment in school until the year they turn 6 before October, so we were able to delay for both of our kids and even though I did do a kindergarten year for them both, I didn’t have to report anything that year. And I definitely agree! Waiting a little bit, even just six months, to introduce new learning concepts can make a HUGE difference!

  2. I’m so happy to have found this blog! Your words are very encouraging as I start a kindergarten year with my eldest. Thanks fur sharing your thoughts!

    1. I’m so glad it was helpful!

  3. Wonderful insight! I agree with everything you said! Rushing them into academic standards is not fun and childhood should be fun!
    Thank you for sharing and giving us so much to chew on but also inspire!

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