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  1. You are amazing. As difficult as it was, you still gave it your all. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you…which I know sounds weird. I hope you found some healing in sharing your story. ((Hugs))

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Rachel. That means a lot to me. 🙂

  2. Rebecca, I love the honesty of this story and am totally in awe of your willingness to let go of your “ideal” birth and embrace the path that would bring your son safely into the world. Big hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Heather. 🙂

  3. I am in tears as I read this. It brings back all the feelings it took me years to get through because of the c-sections I had. My first was kinda planned but kinda unplanned. I had been in labor fully effaced and 50% dilated for 3 1/2 weeks. I was not going to have this baby on my own especially as I was with a family doctor and it was 26 years ago. I wanted so badly a natural birth and had every one of your thoughts about how it would be minus the midwife. My second was a vbac which almost killed my son. I am not able to have children naturally. I spent years feeling less than. I also spent years coming to grips with the fact that I would have been dead 100 years ago. That one took awhile to get over. Not rational but real to me. Thanks for writing this. I may have done better if I had written down my feelings. I now know I did what was necessary to have healthy children. But, I am an outspoken advocate for my daughter during her births. I am more than thankful for medical advances, when they are necessary. I am alive because of them. Hope your feelings are healing. Jenny

    1. Thank you for your words, Jenny, and for sharing your story. I often think about what may have happened if the c-section hadn’t been an option as well and I -am- thankful that my son is okay. I’m actually very nervous about a VBAC should we decide to have another one as well….I’ve heard stories on both sides of that. I think I’ve really just had to accept the fact that no matter my plans or the visions I have for myself, I am not in control and everything happens for a reason. I have been able to find tremendous healing through therapy and I am also thankful for that.

      I’m so glad you can be a voice for your daughter! That is an amazing gift to be able to give her and had you not had the experiences that you had, things may have been different now!

      Thank you again for sharing!

  4. Wow…. You got so much closer than me and I feel so jealous you did. But I also fully understand how painful is to get that close without it happening, because nearly 10 years after my experience I got that close with my now 8 months old baby and, due to Covid, I was on my own in hospital, no other half, no birth partner, or doula or trusted midwife…. Just a midwife who’d asked me not to be too loud as my urge to push was coming stronger, saying it wasn’t necessary. I was 10cm dilated and ended up in a c-section. No pain relief was offered to me other than gas & air. I couldn’t get in the pool because of Covid…. Anyway. I feel and hear your frustration. 10 years on, after my long battle with PND… and here I am again. Back to square one.

    I send you healing love, understanding thoughts and a friendly smile that says “I hear you”. Because I do. Love from a Scottish island xxx

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