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  1. I so appreciate your recaps and can relate to many of your observations. I finally abandoned TCOO but will be doing Marco Polo for the 2nd time next year, so we’ll see how that goes with a much different child. Can you believe that Parables of Nature was one of the FIRST things I made my eldest son narrate when I was trying to jump into the CM method? What was I thinking? That thing is so hard to narrate . . . especially for a beginner. After that experience, we’ve never revisited it, but I think I may include it non-narrated in our morning time because it really is quite fun and quirky. As for break weeks, I love ours so much . . . . it is a much-needed break from complaints about certain subjects kids don’t like 🙂

    We’ve still never read Children of the New Forest. I have always heard such mixed reviews. And every time I take a peek at it, I don’t like it. And I’m still trying to get my son into Lloyd Alexander. He was a favorite of mine as well. I’ll be curious to know if your son enjoys that book.

    1. My son was narrating Parables of Nature in Year 1 per the AO schedule as well and it actually didn’t go too badly, but I think they specifically chose the ones they did for that year as they were easier. The content has definitely gotten more difficult as we’ve moved through the years! And I am excited about adding the break week….I think it’ll be really good for all of us. 🙂

  2. Pretty please put the Emily Carr artist study on your site! We, Canadians, would really appreciate it.

    1. That is good to know, Lisa! Thank you for that feedback!

  3. I find your posts very helpful and really appreciate your picture study aids.
    You said up there you do 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off?? I’m assuming it’s 6 weeks on, one week off?

    1. Yes, just one week! Thank you for letting me know! I just corrected it. 🙂

  4. Sarah Miller says:

    Thank you so much for talking about how you use Salsa and De Colores. To clarify, do you mean that you do Salsa for three weeks, then De Colores for one, then back to Salsa for three? Or am I misunderstanding that structure?

    1. Sorry for the confusion! We actually watch a Salsa episode on Mondays, then sing our De Colores song on Tuesdays, then do an activity related to the Salsa video from the supplemental materials on Wednesdays, then sing our De Colores song again on Thursdays. We focus on the same Salsa episode for three weeks using this routine before switching to a new episode and we learn one De Colores song per month. Does that make more sense? Sometimes it’s difficult to explain aspects of our routine in clear way!

  5. Katherine says:

    Thanks so much for writing these posts. They are such a blessing – we are starting Y1 in the fall, and your posts help so much to wrap my head around what “spreading the feast” looks like.

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