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  1. Thank you so much for these aids! They have really enhanced our picture study without being too much! This morning we studied Winslow Homer’s Crack the Whip, and there was a quick description of the game right there. So very helpful 🙂

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, Claire! I’m so glad they’re helpful. 🙂 That one was fun to put together, especially when I found that game description as I had certainly never heard of it before!

  2. Kelsi Compton says:


    Thank you so much for the work that you did, I am very excited to use these resources!

    I am wondering what kind of documentation I need to provide to the commercial print shop in order to prove that I have permission to print these?


    1. That’s the first time I’ve gotten this question. 🙂 There is a line on the copyright page that says it may be printed for personal use – is that sufficient or are they asking for more? All of the paintings themselves are in the public domain as the artist has been dead for more than 70 years.

      1. Kelsi Compton says:

        Thanks so much! I should hope that would be sufficient!


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