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  1. Rebecca,
    This was such a balm to my soul today; to sit for a few minutes, not teaching, and just experience this painting and your narrative really met a need. You exude a calm and confidence, too, that was just right. Thank you for sharing your giftedness, my friend.

    1. Karen, thank you for your sweet words!! I am honored that you used it!

  2. Maren L Dalida says:

    This was super helpful. Great job with the video. Thanks!

    1. I’m glad it was helpful! 🙂

  3. Thank you! We watched this for our picture study time this week, and it was good for my son and I to see a picture study in more depth! I think we can do this better from here on out. We really enjoy your picture study packets that you share. Thank you, again, you are helping us in our weak area! (or one of them….)

    1. I’m glad you were able to use it for your picture study time! 🙂

  4. Thank you for sharing this! Beautifully done.

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