A Day in the Life: March 2017
And here we are at another Day in the Life post! Because I like company, for the next DILO day, I’m planning on posting a link-up here for anyone else who wants to share their days as well. Mark your calendars for June 20th if you’d like to participate. 🙂
This was a standard Monday for us….school and grocery-run included. E actually left on a business trip that morning, so my picture-taking fizzled at the end of the day. I also realized that I had forgotten to put my SD card in my camera until I had “taken” quite a few pictures with it….mom brain, but thanks to my phone, there’s still a picture representation of a large chunk of the day.
March 20, 2017
I was up at 7 am with C. E usually leaves for work before the kids are up, but since he was traveling for a business trip that day, he hadn’t left yet. While we waited for B to wake up, C and I swept the front step which had some dead leaves left on it from the yard clean-up we had done over the weekend.
Then we went to the back patio to throw some peanuts out for the larger birds and check the other feeders.
And I started breakfast. If the dishwasher needs to be emptied during this time, I do that while the kids entertain themselves for a bit (hopefully….otherwise I’m usually breaking up fights and burning the eggs). I also got the Chemex ready for E’s coffee (which I took a nice picture of with my DSLR!….except not).
Breakfast was eggs, avocado, and frozen fruit. While we ate, we went over our Bible memory system and then listened to bluebird calls to learn what they sounded like. We set up a bluebird box in our back yard and have been waiting for them to realize that a de-luxe apartment was just waiting for them to move in, but no luck yet.
After breakfast, we cleaned up the kitchen, made beds, and got dressed for the day. Then we headed downstairs for school time. That day we were reading from Winnie-the-Pooh and studying Whistler.
After school, we all went upstairs to say good-bye to E before he had to leave to catch his plane. The kids then headed into the backyard to soak up some sun and dirt while I loaded up my favorite podcast and folded laundry in the family room (with the occasional request to push C on the swing). Again, somewhere in the vast expanse of pictures taken-but-not-taken, there exists a shot of my phone with a mason jar on it. 🙂 You’ll notice C was wearing shorts…..it was in the 70s that day. As I’m writing this just about three weeks later, we have a few inches of snow on the ground and a winter storm warning. Yay Colorado!
The kids played outside for about an hour before it was time for lunch. While the food was cooking, I got another load of laundry started. That day we had hot dogs with ketchup, orange pepper slices, sauerkraut, and strawberries (B likes to get this hands in my shots….in case that wasn’t obvious).
After lunch was quiet time when I (theoretically) get the bulk of my work done, followed by snack time (raisins and kombucha), and then a trip to the grocery store. I normally try to get my grocery shopping on Sunday, but sometimes it doesn’t work out and we go on Monday instead. Grocery shopping is….challenging…..with two kids to corral.
We were back in a little over an hour and the kids once again escaped to the back yard while I put groceries away. I snuck in a little more work time after that while they were still preoccupied. B informed me that our resident bunny is hiding in his home, so I snapped a picture (after I realized that my SD card hadn’t been in my camera all day). He’s in the bottom part of the bush and this shot is awful so you can’t really see him, but there you go.
At 5:20-ish, I got supper started and asked the kids to start to clean up the yard. Spanish omelet is not one of E’s favorite dishes (he’s not a big baked egg fan), so I reserve that for the days he’s out of town….like that day! It’s easy and also B’s favorite dish, so it works out well to do it then. At about 5:40, the kids came in to wash their hands before we sat down for supper. We had spinach with the Spanish omelet and finished it off with an apple.
After supper, I cleaned up the kitchen while the kids picked up their toys in the other areas of the house. My last venture outside for the day was to drop off the kitchen scraps in the compost bin.
It was B’s bath night, so I got that ready for him and while he played in the bubbles, C and I cleaned up her room. When B was out, I read them two stories, then laid down with C until she fell asleep. It was B’s turn after that and I read a chapter of Heidi before wishing him a good night as well.
Finally having some time to myself, I chose to get some more work done while chatting a little with E through text before heading to bed (and listening to my book for a while) myself. Fun, fun stuff!
The next DILO day is June 20th!