Easter Basket Ideas for 2013
I’m ashamed to admit that E and I have been epic failures in the Easter basket department so far in B’s short little life. He was eight months old when his first Easter came along and I think we both kind of figured that he was too young to really understand any of it, so we didn’t put any effort into putting a basket together for him. Well…at first. And then I realized that friends with babies right around his same age were actually getting baskets for their kids and the fact that I wasn’t doing the same for my son might suggest that I am a horrible mother. So we scrounged a few things together at the last minute including a few clothes I had happened to order for B, a few things we got in the free goody bag from the Great Cloth Diaper Change, and whatever else we could find. I thought it was a valiant effort, but definitely not planned ahead. B just kind of looked at the basket and then drooled on himself for a little while. I don’t know that he was very impressed.
Last year there was no basket of any kind. We just skipped it entirely. And I refrained from asking other mommies what they were getting for their kids as I didn’t want to drown in the horrible mother sea.
This year, however, now that B is more mobile and aware, I’ve been window shopping (or whatever the online equivalent is….screen shopping?) and pinning and coming up with ideas and I think I’ve cobbled together some good options. We’ll see if B agrees on Easter morning. 🙂

- Children’s Wooden Trug – This also looks great for carrying random found objects around the house as B is prone to do.
- Emerald Play Silk – I hate Easter basket grass. Even when I was little and received neon-colored, bunny-shaped baskets filled with Peeps and Cadbury eggs, I hated it. So B gets a Sarah’s silk because I’ve been wanting to get him one and I don’t want to be vacuuming fake grass up off my floor for the next six months. Win-win!
- Water Rainbow Blocks – B has an enormous window in his room that receives direct sunlight all day long, so I’ve also been wanting to get him some of these. What better time than the beginning of spring!
- Spring by Gerda Muller – I’ve mentioned before that I love these books. Now we’ll have the whole set.
- Plant Dye Egg Dying Kits – I’m also not a fan of Paas or similar egg-dying kits for many, many reasons, so I was very happy to find these which are plant-based. Imagine Childhood has a great post with ideas for using plants along with the dyes to make some beautiful eggs with silhouettes.
- Wooden Bird Whistle – This follows along with the spring theme. I’m hoping to do more bird-themed activities with B this year as he really liked the birdfeeder last year.
- Eggspressions – B hasn’t quite mastered emotions and what they mean yet, so I’m hoping these will help him along.

I also wanted to include this guy, but E laughed at me and said it was weird when I showed him. Imagine…a pocket gnome being weird. Pffft. But because of this, I doubt he’ll be making an appearance in B’s basket. I think he’s kind of cute…it would be ironic if he just happened to miraculously be found in the play silk….hmmm….