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  1. I love these REAL posts. LOVE EM. I can relate on so many levels, you have no idea –– and I’m not even babywearing a fussy infant all day. A similar post has been brewing in me for MONTHS. In fact, I can barely bring myself to blog because Henry has tested every fiber of my being. My mom called me today to tell me to read this post because she knew it would resonate. You’re allowed to feel blessed and STRESSED at the same time. Anyone who claims motherhood is glorious all the time is either lying or on valium.

    I feel like we’d both benefit from a face-to-face chat over coffee, don’t you? 😉

    FYI: We seem to be coming out of an especially hellish phase. Apparently a two-week stay in frigid Buffalo was exactly what we needed. Go figure.

    1. isn’t it time for another cross-country road trip for you? 😀 i’ll start grinding the coffee now….

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! This is exactly how I feel. My son was 5 when my daughter was born and I was in mourning for so long (it started before she even got here) over the loss of it being just the two of us. Everyone I know makes it look so easy having more than one kid and there are days I am surprised I even got everyone fed and getting out of pajamas isn’t even on my to do list. I thought by now I would have it figured out but I am 2 weeks away from my daughters first birthday and I still have these same thoughts. Thank you for being so real, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who hasn’t figured it all out.

    1. Rebecca Anne says:

      Thanks, Paula. 🙂 I think I’m probably a little too good at being real sometimes….but it’s good to know that I’m in good company!

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