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  1. Me, please! I related to this post painfully well. Wish you lived nearby but since I don’t know you I’m sure you don’t. (I live in a tiny town in rural AZ). Thanks for writing what I feel. 🙂

    1. I’m not too far away, Michelle, in Colorado….but probably too far for a playdate. 🙂

  2. This echoed with me today (I read it from the link in your newsletter!). It was nice to read it and not feel alone for those moments. 🙂

  3. I wish had seen this when you first posted it…however, I was in Tennessee then. I am in Arizona now…just a few miles down the road from Saguaro NP. (Probably a little closer to you) This post was well-articulated and so resonated with me. I love your honesty and authenticity. If you’re ever in the neighborhood….

    1. We were actually in your neck of the woods a few years ago when we went down to visit my mother-in-law south of Tuscon. I’m sure we’ll be making another trip down there at some point. 🙂

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