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  1. Great post and excellent advice. When I realized that I didn’t have the nature knowledge and appreciation that I wanted for my kids, I panicked initially. Reading Charlotte Mason helped me realize that observation, intimacy, and love were more important than naming things. Many years, with my life so full caring for young children, I only had the brainpower to learn 1 bird song or 2 new flowers in a whole year! But *I* learned to see and notice and wonder. Those few new bits of knowledge have added up for me over the years, but for my kids–the time in nature, nature lore reading, nature journaling, and small amount of formal “nature study” have yielded HUGE results for them. They are constantly DELIGHTING in what they notice. What they know intimately is more important than what they can name (but they learn to name a lot too ;-)) Thanks for helping to simplify a topic that can be very overwhelming at the start. It is a great encouragement for me to remember what to focus on too.

  2. kristi cotter says:

    What a beautifully written article about nature study with littles. Walking with you this last year has greatly encouraged me in our walk through CM AO as a lifestyle. Your advice is practical, life giving, and down to earth. Thank you

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