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  1. We have a speaker in our dining room and I schedule our composer to come on at 6pm, so we are usually at the table. The kids seem to pick up on it a lot – I have heard some made up songs to Grieg tunes.

    I did this with Handel’s Messiah over Advent and we all memorized chunks of it!

    1. Thank you for that idea, Amy! What do you use to do that? I need to look into if I could do something like that with Plex. 🤔

      1. We got the Sonos bookshelf speaker from Ikea. (And promptly got a second one for the kids’ bedroom!)

  2. I love your recaps because I have a student who is a year behind him! I have a question for BOC, he is starting one this year, and will similarly struggle with an open ended “mark dates and stuff” – do you have a time in his schedule set aside for BOC entries? Or 1x a day for 3 days during the week? Thank you!

    1. I just put it on his school checklist for the week, and he knows he has to do three entries. Usually, he doesn’t do it until Friday which gives him more readings from which to choose.

  3. Sorry, also for Shakespeare do you use just the text since he’s following along with the audio? Is the annotated text useful?

    1. I print out the free Folger’s Shakespeare plays that are online (you can find the link to that in my Shakespeare resources post linked above) for him to read while we listen, and these are not annotated. For myself, I do get an annotated version, but I highly recommend not using an annotated version for your student as many Shakespeare plays have some adult themes that are explained in detail in the notes, which younger students especially probably don’t need to know. 🙂 But every family probably handles this differently!

      1. Thank you so much! Super helpful!

      2. Also, your link for the Shakespeare goes to the Folger’s Bookshop account where the bound and annotated versions are.

  4. I enjoyed reading about your 6th grade year. You covered a lot of ground. What an encouragement! I am starting round 2 this year. My two oldest daughters are 21 and 18. My two younger are almost 5 years and 4 months. So, we begin kindergarten in the fall.

    1. Oh, sometimes I get a little sad that each year with my daughter is the last year that I’ll be doing that particular book list. I hope you enjoy round 2! 🙂

  5. Thank you for all of the information that you share! I have a student who is a year behind yours and all the helpful hints have been, well, so helpful for us! I have a question regarding the grammar program – did you use the DVDs along with the workbook and teacher book?

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad it’s all helpful! 🙂 We did not use the DVDs – just the books.

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