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PNEU Programme 94 Form I Book List

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PNEU Programme 94 Book List Form I #charlottemason

When I was in high school, I somehow managed to get an entire class period in the school library where I did some simple tasks for a 4th grade teacher. Not only did I get class credit for this period, oftentimes I was done with the work in fifteen minutes and was able to spend the rest of the time perusing the books on the shelves.

My school was tiny and not particularly wealthy. Despite the fact that it was a private school, we didn’t have much. This meant that where other libraries might get rid of a book due to age, our library kept older tomes on the shelves, making liberal use of packing tape on any repairs they might need. In some cases, this wasn’t the best idea, and the books probably should’ve been disposed of or sent to someone who knew more about book repair. But in a few cases, especially for books that weren’t particularly popular, I was amazed at the condition in which they had been kept, some for over 100 years.

There is also something special about reading words that at least a few generations have read before me. I appreciate the wisdom and glimpse at a different time and thinking (in most cases) that many of them have to offer.

Today I thought I might share a little glimpse at the books the Form I students in the PNEU schools of 1922 were reading. PNEU Programme 94, which lists the books and resources each Form would be using over the course of the term, was the last one published before Ms. Mason’s death in early 1923 and, as my friend Dawn puts it, it’s the last Programme “we know of from Charlotte Mason’s life.” As I’m still a baby in the Charlotte Mason world, I found this list fascinating when it was brought to my attention and the bibliophile in me was immediately inspired to find these old tomes, some of which were familiar and others not so much.

I want to preface the list by saying that I’m posting it purely for informational purposes and not so anyone feels pressured to use these exact books in their own homeschool. At around the same time I was introduced to this Programme, I was in the process of trying to find a good drawing book for us to use during our lesson time that was instructional but not rigid, overly-ambitious, or far too complicated. When I saw What To Draw and How to Draw It listed in the Programme, I looked it up on Archive.org and found that it was exactly what I was looking for. While this is definitely not the case for every book listed below, I think it’s interesting to look at the style and kinds of books they were using for different subjects and use that information when considering what to use in our own school time.

Each title is linked to an online version of that particular book, if I have been able to find one. I also included the name of the author and publisher as listed in the Programme. And I have linked to a modern reprint, if available. Yesterday’s Classics has done a wonderful job of publishing high-quality reprints of classics and I have been pleased with every single book I’ve purchased from them. More recently, Living Book Press is also printing classic books. If you are looking for a book used in the PNEU schools that’s not listed below, I’d highly recommend checking out these two publishers to see if they offer that title. And if you see any modern reprints that I’ve left out, please let me know!

PNEU Programme 94 Form I Book list

Bible Lessons

FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABJoshua and JudgesJ. Paterson SmythSPCKYesterday’s Classics
ABChildren’s Book of PrayersS. B. MacyLongmans
AA Book of Golden DeedsCharlotte YongePinnacle Press
BParables from NatureMargaret GattyLiving Book Press,
Yesterday’s Classics
BThe Child’s Book of SaintsPinnacle Press
ABSidelights on the BibleBrightwen
ABThe Wonderful PrayerG. Hollis

* This is not the same version mentioned in the Programme but a modern version from the same publisher.


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABA New HandwritingM. M. BridgesScholar’s Choice


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
APilgrim’s ProgressPenguin
BAndersen’s Fairy TalesOxford Press or DentLeather-Bound Classics
BGrimm’s Fairy TalesOxford Press or DentKnickerbocker Classics
BAesop’s FablesMurrayWentworth Press

English History

FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABOur Island StoryE. H. MarshallJackLiving Book Press,
Yesterday’s Classics
ATales From CanterburyFrewen LordSampson LowAmazon


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABAmbleside Geography
AAtlas of Comparative GeographyPhilips
BThe World at HomeNelsonAndesite Press
BHow the World TravelsA. MethleyGardner DartonPalala Press

Natural History

FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABThe Changing YearF. M. HainesWadsworth
ABCountryside RamblesW. S. FurneauxPhilipYesterday’s Classics
ABA Nature Study GuideW. S. FurneauxLongmansYesterday’s Classics
ABirdland StoriesO. PikeR. T. S.
AInsect LifeCassellYesterday’s Classics
ATommy Smith’s AnimalsE. SelousMethuenYesterday’s Classics
BPlant Life in Field and GardenFisherCassellYesterday’s Classics
BTommy Smith at the ZooMethuenYesterday’s Classics


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABThe Teaching of Mathematics to Young ChildrenI. Stephens
ABNew Concrete ArithmeticPendleburyBell
ANew Junior ArithmeticBompas SmithMethuen


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ALa Livre RougeBlackie
AFrench Fables in ActionV. PartingtonDentYesterday’s Classics
BIllustrated French PrimerHenry BuéHatchette & Co.
BThe Children’s Entente CordialeL. M. OylerJack


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABWhat To Draw and How To Draw ItSkeffington & SonLiving Book Press


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
AThe Fairy GreenR. FylemanMethuen
BRecitations for Little ChildrenG. H. Tuffley


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
BThe Children’s Letter BoxE. TetleyJackson & Son
BDickory Dickory Dock: The Children’s Reading BoxE. TetleyJackson & Son
BThe Happy ReaderE. L. YoungSimpkin, Marshall,
& Co.
BPuss in BootsBlackie


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABChild PianistCurwen & Son
ABTeacher’s GuideForgotten Books


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABFrench SongsViolet PartingtonDent
ABFrench Rounds and Nursery RhymesAugener
ATen Minutes’ Lessons in Sight-SingingCurwen & Son
AThe National Song Booked. C. V. StanfordBoosey & Co
BThe Joyous Book of Singing GamesJohn HornbyArnold
BSongtimeed. Percy DearmerCurwen


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABThe Joyous Book of Singing GamesJohn HornbyArnold
ABRhythmic Games and DancesFlorence HewittLongmansScholar Select
ABSyllabus of Physical ExercisesEyre & SpottiswoodeForgotten Books
ABBritish Marches for Schools


FormTitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
ABThe Little Girl’s Gardening BookMills & Boon
ABLittle Girl’s Sewing BookR. T. S.
ABThe Little Girl’s Knitting Book*R. T. S.
ABWhat shall we make?M. La Trobe FosterC. M. S.
APaper ModellingM. SwannellPhilip & SonLiving Library Press
BPaper FoldingH. G. PatersonP. N. E. U.

* This may be a mistake. There is another book by the same author as the Little Girl’s Sewing Book under the title, The Little Girl’s Knitting and Crochet Book.

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    1. Thanks, Dawn! I wasn’t aware of The Changing Year being up.

    2. I also updated the link for The Teaching of Mathematics to Young Children – thank you!

    1. Jen, this is wonderful! Thank you! I have updated the link! 🙂

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