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PNEU Programme 94 Form IV Book List

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Over the last few years, I’ve written a few posts listing all the books mentioned in PNEU Programme 94 for Forms I,  II, and III (or first through third grades, fourth through sixth grades, and seventh through eighth grades) students. As I’ve mentioned in the other posts, PNEU Programme 94, which lists the books and resources each Form would be using over the course of the term, was the last one published before Ms. Mason’s death in early 1923. This Programme, as my friend Dawn puts it, is the last Programme “we know of from Charlotte Mason’s life.” My son will be going into Year 9 (high school!) next year, so I wanted to look at the resources they used in Form IV to see if any of them might work for us, or I could find a modern version that covered the same subject (even if only used in a supplemental manner).

As a bibliophile, I love these lists as they’ve introduced me to books I would never have heard of otherwise. I appreciate them even more as a homeschooling mom because they give me great ideas and suggestions for books to use in our own homeschool. One of the books that stood out to me, particularly from Form III, was Architecture Shown to the Children by Gladys Wynne. She was obviously excited about her subject and had a perfect sense of humor for kids of this age.

I’ll again preface this list by saying that I’m posting it purely for informational purposes and not so anyone feels pressured to use these exact books in their own homeschool. It’s interesting to me to see what the students whose families used these Programmes were reading, and, more specifically, what Ms. Mason herself chose for them. And as I said above, I like to use these lists to get ideas for what we can use in our homeschool. While this is definitely not the case for every book listed below, I think it’s interesting to look at the style and kinds of books they used for different subjects and use that information when considering what to include in our lesson time.

In the tables below, each title is linked to an online version of that particular book (or as close as I can get) if I have been able to find one. I also included the name of the author and publisher as listed in the Programme if available. And I have also linked to a modern reprint if available, though I can’t vouch for all of these links as I don’t own most of them. In cases where I own a copy of the book listed, I’ve linked to that particular version. All of the others are purely for informational purposes. Overall, I can say that Yesterday’s Classics and Living Book Press have done an excellent job of publishing high-quality reprints of classics, and I have been pleased with the books I’ve purchased from both of these businesses. If you are looking for a book not listed below, I’d highly recommend checking out these two publishers to see if they offer that title. And if you see any modern reprints I’ve left out, please let me know!

PNEU Programme 94 Form IV Book List

Bible Lessons

In all cases the Bible text (as given in the book used) must be read and narrated first.

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Old Testament History Vol. IV
pp. 3-55
T. M. Hardwick* and The Rev. H. Costley-WhiteMurray
S. P. C. K. Bible AtlasS. P. C. K.S. P. C. K.**
Historical Geography of the Holy LandS. R. MacphailClark
The Universal Bible Dictionary
(may be used for all names of persons and places)
The Saviour of the World, Vol. VI
pp. 1-55
Charlotte MasonP.N.E.U.Riverbend Press
The Acts
pp. 324-401
E. M. KnoxMacmillanYesterday’s Classics
The Prayer Book in the Church
(with lessons on Advent and Christmas)
The Rev. W. H. CampbellLongmans

* I believe this was a typo – it should be Hardwich.
** This is not the same version mentioned in the Programme, but a modern version from the same publisher.

For Sunday reading (optional):

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
The Quest of Nations
pp. 120-178
T. R. W. LuntU.C.M.EForgotten Books
The Story of S. Paul’s Life and Letters
pp. 165-246
J. Paterson SmythSampson LowForgotten Books
The Story of S. Paul’s Life and Letters
pp. 165-246
Barnes & Noble
The Pilgrim’s Progress
(any complete edition)

For private daily Bible reading,

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Daily Readings from the Old TestamentH. Franklin and L. MontaguWilliams & Norgate
(for New Testament, a Gospel in suitable portions)
A Boy’s Book of PrayerA. DevineMethuen

Sunday Occupations: A Book of Centuries. Choose and write mottoes in beautiful lettering.


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Poems of To-day
As You Like ItShakespeareFolger Shakespeare Library
A New Handwriting for Teachers
(work from card 6)
M. M. BridgesVarious


(A New Handwriting to be used.)

Two or three pages or a passage to be prepared first from a newspaper; or, from the prose and poetry set for reading; a paragraph to be then dictated or to be occasionally written from memory.


(See Meiklejohn, 176-183.)

Read on Tuesdays some subject on “Literature,” or, on the news of the week, or, on some historical or allegorical subject, etc. Write on Thursdays a résumé. Verses (note metre of poems set for this term), on current events and on characters in the term’s reading, upon historical characters, or, on Autumn scenes. Christmas letters on family events and general news to friends abroad.

Write for P.U.S Magazine.

English Grammar

Parse and analyse from books read, making progress each term.

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
A New Grammar of the English Tongue
pp. 143-157; 185-194
MeiklejolnAverill Press


(including holiday and evening readings)

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
The History of English Literature for Girls and Boys
pp. 356-419
H. E. MarshallJackLiving Book Press
As You Like ItShakespeareBlackieFolger Shakespeare Library
Heroes and Hero-Worship: Cromwell*CarlyleDentYale University Press
Samson Agonistes**MiltonWard, LockModern Library
Golden TreasuryPalgraveOxford PressMacmillan Collector’s Library
Early Stuart Poets
Poems of To-Day, Series IISidgwick & Jackson

* I believe this is the book referenced, though the title is slightly different. Carlyle gave a series of lectures in the mid-1800s that were later turned into a book and included in this volume. The last lecture, “The Hero as King,” includes Cromwell.
**This is an anthology of Milton’s work, so the title differs from the one listed here. However, it does include Samson Agonistes and is from the same publisher. I was unable to find a book by that title from that publisher.

English History

Begin a chart of the 17th Century (1600-1700), (see reprint from P.R., July 1910). Read the daily news and keep a calendar of events.

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
History of England, Vol. II
pp. 502-577 (1625-1660)*
A History of Everyday Things in England**
(Part IV., may be used for period)
H. & C. QuennellBatsfordYesterday’s Classics

* This also has a slightly different title and may be a combination of many different volumes, as there is no “Volume II” in this series. The page numbers of the book at the link match the time period assigned.
** I’m not sure if this is the same book used as I was unable to find a “Part IV” in this series that was published before 1923. The note also says “may be used for period,” which I assume means the 17th century, and that is included in the volume at the link. The first volume can be found here.

General History

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Medieval and Modern Times
pp. 325-381 (1625-1660)
T. R. RobinsonGinn & Co.
Ancient Times: A History of the Early World
pp. 140-220 (omit questions)
J. H. BreastedGinn
Continue a book of Centuries, putting in illustrations from all history studied.
Memoirs of a Cavalier
pp. 1-125
DefoeUniversity Press


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Ourselves, Book I
pp. 1-23
Kegan PaulLiving Book Press
Plutarch’s Lives: BrutusNorthBlackie
A Pronouncing Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities (quite necessary)Walker
pp. 91-136 (narration instead of questions)

E. R. Worts

Hodder & Stoughton


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
The Ambleside Geography Books, Book V
pp. 63-108
Our Guardian Fleets in 1805
pp. 66-106
H. W. HouseholdMacmillan
From Sea to Sea, Vol I.KiplingMacmillanForgotten Books
Know something about foreign places coming into notice in the current newspapers. Ten minutes’ exercise on the map of Europe every week.
Atlas of Comparative Geography (new edition) may be used.Philip
Know something about foreign places coming into notice in the current newspapers. Ten minutes’ exercise on the map of Europe every week.
Teacher to use The Treaty Settlement of Europe (for new frontiers)H. T. FleureOxford PressForgotten Books
Map questions to be answered from map and names put into blank map (from memory) before each lesson.
Teacher may find useful Out-Door GeographyH. HatchBlackieLiving Book Press

Natural History and Botany

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Every Boy’s Book of Geology
pp. 36-100
Trueman and WestellR.T.S.
Elementary Studies in Plant Life
pp. 136-176
F. E. FritschBell
Keep a Nature Note-Book, with flower and bird lists, and make daily notes.
Every Boy’s Book of Geology
pp. 36-100
For outdoor work take some special August to December study, from Furneaux’s A Nature Study Guide, or…FurneauxYesterday’s Classics
The Changing Year, or…F. M. HainesWadsworth
Countryside RamblesW. S. FurneauxPhilip

General Science

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
First Year of Scientific KnowledgePaul BertLongmansScholar Select
Some Wonders of Matter
pp. 64-99
Bishop MercerS.P.C.K.

Hygiene and Physiology, Domestic Economy

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
A Health ReaderW. H. AbrahallCassell


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
New Shilling Arithmetic*
pp. 131-141
Revise back work; examples may be taken from Pendlebury’s New Concrete Arithmetic, Book VPendleburyBell
Important: to be read in leisure time, Number Stories of Long AgoD. E. SmithGinn
Living Book Press


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
A School Geometry
pp. 118, 119, 121-124, 126-131,
and revise 69-131, doing more exercises
H. Hall & F. StevensMacmillan, Parts i.-iv.
The School Set of Mathematical Instruments*Macmillan

* I’m not sure if The School Set of Mathematical Instruments is literally a set of instruments or a book of some kind, but I’m putting it here for reference.


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
A School Algebra, Part. I
pp. 34-48, or continue
H. S. S. HallMacmillan


(German is listed first, but Italian is listed as a preferred option.)

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Primary German Course
Lessons 19-21 inclusive. Teacher study preface, using the lessons (with narration), exercises, grammar, stories, poems, etc., as suggested.
O. SiepmannMacmillan


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Italian Conversation Grammar, or better,…PeriniHachetteForgotten Books
A New Italian Grammar
pp. 13-24, 180-187
E. GrilloBlackie


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Limen, Part I.Murray


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Primary French Course, Part II.
Lessons 19-22 inclusive, with grammar and exercises. Teacher study preface.
O. SiepmannMacmillan
Eead and narrate Moliere’s Les Femmes SavantesMoliereBlackie
Read several poems and learn one from Longer Poems for RecitationBlackie


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
The Fésole Club Papers*
Studies of animals. Illustrations of scenes from Literature.
W. G. Collingwood (out of print)
Study, describe (and draw from memory details of) six reproductions of pictures by Dürer**. See the special notes in the Parents Review, September, 1 1922.
Paintbox with specially chosen paints and brush.

* These can be found in different volumes of the Parents’ Review magazine. The Programme has a note specifically pointing to the September 1922 issue, but I have not been able to find that online. You can read more about the Fésole Club here.
** I offer a Picture Study Aid and art prints for Albrecht Dürer here, though these may not have been the same pieces selected in the Programme. There is also an article on Albrecht Dürer in the 1914 L’Umile Pianta as well.


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Learn two suitable passages of 20 verses each from chapters in Bible Lessons. Two Christmas hymns. Psalm 118. Two poems from Poems of To-Day, or, a scene from As You Like It.


(including holiday and evening reading)

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Books set under Literature, History, Geography, Recitations should afford exercise in careful reading and in composition. Poetry should be read daily.
The Odysseys of Homer, Chapman’s Translation
Books 9-12 inclusive (to be read by teacher, with omissions)
Simpkin MarshallPrinceton University Press*

* This is obviously not exactly the same book used in the Programme but it is the same translation.

Musical Appreciation

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
See Programme of Music (Brahms), Parents’ Review September, 1922: Our Work.
See Programme of Music (Brahms), Parents’ Review September, 1922: Our Work.P. ScholesOxford PressThe Listener’s Guide to Music may be used.


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Three French songs, French Songs with MusicBlackie
Three German songs, Deutscher LiedergartenCurwen & Son
Three English songs, from The National Song Bookedited by C. V. StanfordBoosey & Co.Forgotten Books
Ten Minutes’ Lessons in Sight-Singing*
Fifty Steps in Sight-Singing
steps 33, 34
Arthur SomervellCurwen & Son

Ten Minutes’ Lessons in Sight-Singing was used for teacher reference. The link goes to Miss. Mason’s Music which offers a wonderful guide to go with this book!

Drill, etc.

TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Ball Games and Breathing Exercises*Alice R. JamesLongmans
For Drill Music, Music for use in Mrs. Wordsworth’s Classes, may be used.*
Peasant Dances and Songs in Many LandsEvans
For Drill Music, Music for use in Mrs. Wordsworth’s Classes, may be used.*Eyre & Spottiswoode
Ex-Students, House of Education Drills
How to Teach DancesEvans

* I was not able to find online versions of Ball Games and Breathing Exercises or Music for Use in Mrs. Wordsworth’s Classes, but Charlotte Mason Poetry posted a very helpful article detailing drill and how it was done.


TitleAuthorPublisherModern Reprint
Do some definite house or garden work. Make Christmas presents, and provide a Christmas entertainment with gifts for some poor children.
Cooking: Tried Favourites Cookery BookMarshall
Heaton’s Cardboard Modelling: make six models.HeatonNewmanLiving Library Press
Simple Garments for ChildrenSyngeLongmansForgotten Books
Constructive and Decorative Stitchery: design and make a garment.L. G. Foster*
Darn and mend garments from the wash each week: Lessons in Darning and Mending may be used.
Teacher will find useful What shall we make?M.LaTrobe FosterC.M.S.
Heaton’s Cardboard Modelling: make six models.
See also (unless working as Girl Guides) tests under Scouting (Parents’ Review, May, 1920): all girls should take the First Aid (No. 10) and Housecraft (No. 7) Tests.

* I believe this should actually be “E. G. Foster,” as several books on embroidering and sewing that Elizabeth Glasier Foster wrote were published around this time.

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