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System Status: June 2014

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June came and went and life rolls along. We’re still looking for a house. I’m still struggling in this “new” role of mama to two. There’s not much new to report.

In the end of June I am….

…reading a new magazine I got at the beginning of the month: Soul Gardening, which I absolutely loved. It’s aimed at Catholic mothers, but regardless of your denomination, I think it’s still really encouraging and beautifully written. It’s also free. 🙂 For books I decided to finally make my way through the Chronicles of Narnia, which I’ve never read in full. I read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe a year or two ago, so this month I consumed Prince Caspian (3/5). A nice, light, but still entertaining read for summer. Right now I’m s-l-o-w-l-y working my way through The Signature of All Things which is taking an eternity as an audiobook. It has some unexpected twists and an a-typical heroine, which I appreciate, but it’s kind of meander-y, which I don’t like. I’m anxious to get through it as a group of long-distance friends and I decided to start an online book club and most of them have already gotten through the book we chose to read: Gone Girl. That’s definitely up for next month.

…watching the last of our TV shows, finally. We finished off SHIELD and The Blacklist earlier this month (both with good endings) and are now working on Cosmos. For movies, we rented Monuments Men (3/5), which I think was only enjoyable because I have a degree in art history….otherwise it was kind of dull. We just saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2/5) this week and it was another disappointment. I sometimes wonder what Tolkien would think of these movies since the psychological aspect that he was so good at inserting into his work is dwarfed by CG dragons and Uruk-hai, as well as unnecessary gore.

…listening to Your Love is Better by Will Reagan & United Pursuit. It popped up on my Matt Maher Pandora station and I instantly liked it.

…enjoying sunny days and playdates with new friends. I met a group of women with similar parenting styles on the internets earlier this year and we’ve been able to meet up for a few playdates which has been wonderful. I’ve been so, so lonely in the friend department lately that being able to interact with other women my age is a priceless gift. Also, homemade, raw ice cream (still). This perfume. Sweet, endless smiles and silent laughs from a tiny girl. And simple plans for a little boy’s fourth (fourth!) birthday, which is coming up soon.

…looking forward to having a YARD. Sigh. The house search is going so badly that I’m a little afraid that one of these days we’ll just put an offer on a house that we don’t care about just to get out of this one. I look forward to every evening when E and I get some time together. I think it’s really what gets me through a lot of my days.

And there I am for this month.

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