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  1. Lisa V in BC says:

    I don’t have any kindergartner anymore, but this looks great and I would have appreciated something like this when my kids were younger! We just made the switch to MEP last year as well and I’m really appreciating how they’ve put things together!

    1. Isn’t MEP great? I’m a little intimidated by the use of metric measurements later on as the US is behind the rest of the world in that area, but I know of several American homeschoolers who have used it with great success so hopefully it still works for us! 🙂

  2. I love all of this! I’m “trying” to figure out how to dive into Charlotte Mason with my K/1st grade boy and I love how you laid this all out. So helpful!

  3. I am attempting to dive into homschooling with my almost 5 yr old. Since writing this are there any tid bits/advice you would have liked to included in your already very informational post?

    1. I’ve tried to update it as the year has gone on and I’ll have more updates to add when we’re completely done, but I think the biggest thing has been not to rush! And to have patience…not to expect too much (especially in the area of narration). Let it be fun since this is meant to be more of a gentle introduction to homeschooling for both your student and you. 🙂 Good luck!

  4. Thank you, this is the best list of books I have seen. I am excited to check these out! I don’t get to be a SAHM, but I plan on substituting/supplementing her education in the evenings and fun nature and science experiments on the weekends.

    1. This whole curriculum only takes us about 30-45 minutes/day, 4 times per week, so it’s very doable even if you’re not with your kiddos during the day!

  5. Thank you so much for this! I’ve been looking for a resource like this to help me get started. Seems like my little boy is the same age as your little one…so will be starting first grade in the fall of 2017. I will anxiously await your update for 2017/2018. Thanks again!

    1. Thanks, Tawny! I hope to have a new kindergarten curriculum up by mid-summer and then I’ll be sharing our 17-18 plans shortly after that. 🙂

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