How to Get Started with Mother Culture

Last month, I began a series of posts that I plan to revisit through the summer all about the idea of Mother Culture. To summarize, I’ll use this quote from the Parents’ Review article which inspired this series:
What we need is a habit of taking our minds out of what one is tempted to call ‘the domestic rag-bag’ of perplexities, and giving it a good airing in something which keeps it ‘growing.’ A brisk walk will help. But, if we would do our best for our children, grow we must; and on our power of growth surely depends, not only our future happiness, but our future usefulness… Is there not some need for “mother culture”?
A., PARENTS’ REVIEW VOLUME 3, NO. 2, 1892/93, PP. 92-95
After talking about what exactly Mother Culture is in my last post, in this post, I want to talk about how we actually begin the habit of mother culture in our lives, especially when it feels like we don’t have any extra time. In the article, the author says:
‘But how is the state of things to be altered? So many mothers say, “I simply have no time for myself!” “I never read a book!”
I have definitely felt this way and offered these excuses at various times in my life, and I know I’m not alone in this. I also know that there can be a level of guilt that materializes when we think about taking time for ourselves, but there are so many other things that need to be done (or people who need to be taken care of!). Even in Ms. Mason’s day, the idea of it being selfish to take that time for ourselves was common. The author goes on to say:
Or else, “I don’t think it is right to think of myself!” They not only starve their minds, but they do it deliberately, and with a sense of self-sacrifice which seems to supply ample justification. There are, moreover, unfortunately, only too many people who think that sort of thing so lovely that public opinion appears to justify it. But does public opinion justify anything?…It can never justify anything which leads to the “Oh, it’s only mother” tone in any young person.
Not only do we lose ourselves when we get caught up in that domestic ragbag, but those closest to us can lose us – the real us – as well.
The author then went on to ask, “How is this state to be altered?” And her answer to that is:
Mother must have time to herself. And we must not say “I cannot.” Can any of us say till we have tried, not for one week, but for one whole year, day after day, that we “cannot” get one half-hour out of the twenty-four for “Mother Culture”?—one half-hour in which we can read, think, or “remember.”
When I first read that part of the article, I thought, “A half hour isn’t much!” And it really didn’t feel like much when I thought of it in the way she put it. However, when I started trying to put it into practice, it was too much. I didn’t have a spare half hour unless I wanted to sacrifice sleep, which was not an option for me at that point.
So I thought, “Well, I can’t do a half hour, but maybe I can do 15 minutes.” So, I did 15 minutes, which was more manageable. I have been able to add more in some seasons and less in others. Some days, it’s only five minutes; some days, it’s not at all, but I keep having it as a goal.
We can’t just say we will do it and hope the time materializes. We have to be intentional about it but also realistic. And we have to try. We have to make it a priority and get started, no matter what the amount of time we can spare ends up being. Try 15 minutes, try five minutes, but even just a little time is a step toward that goal of continuing to grow and cultivate ourselves, and not allowing our minds to get stuck in that domestic rag bag!
In my next post, I’ll discuss what Mother Culture looks like and how to incorporate it into your life practically!