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  1. This was full of very helpful information, thanks! My favorite way to get prints is to buy clearance art calendars or used ones at thrift stores and display our favorite pictures.

    1. That’s a great idea, Bethany! Thank you for sharing that!

  2. How heavy of paper would you recommend? The heaviest available? I’m planning to use the Staples option!

    1. Depending on the type, I’d get the heaviest kind you can just so it’s more durable. 🙂

      1. Okay, thank you so much for your help!

  3. Another option is to buy an old art book used from a thrift type store, and cut the artwork out to mount and display! I thought my husband was going to have a hernia when he saw me start to RIP pages out of an art book, but when I explained I had bought the old book for .50 cents and I would rather display and enjoy the art than store a big, heavy book in my shelves, then he agreed it was a good idea. It did feel sacrilegious at first to tear apart a book, but we do not need all the “words” about the artwork that the book included. We will get much more enjoyment by hanging the art on our walls, and plus, now I can store each artist in a thin file folder. (But your curated art prints are still my first-most-favorite!)

    1. Yes! That is a great idea as well! I have no problems ripping up books if it’s for the sake of art. 🙂

  4. Thank you for assembling these options. Although it may take some email exchanges and legwork, I’ve found the best quality and price by buying the prints from our local university’s print shop. If you live near a college or university, this could be a great option. Mine only charges $.50 per page of high glossy printing on card stock, so I can afford to get multiple copies!

  5. This was very helpful and we’ve printed at Staples on heavy paper before. However, we don’t have a consistently good place to find the actual picture files. Do you have any recommendations for where to find the images? Thanks!

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