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  1. Dear Rebecca, I just read a really nice book called Spiritual Parenting. It is very compassionate and is helping me get perspective. Thanks for all you share.

  2. This is beautiful, Rebecca. I feel it.

  3. Thank u so much for this. It hit me right between the eyes. God made u to be in this place at this time. May the God with his infinite knowledge bless u & keep u & ur family safe in his arms.


    Thank you for sharing this. I’m bookmarking it, because I’m *pretty* sure I could read this a few more times.. 😉

  5. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I can relate to so much of what you wrote and am grateful you shared what God revealed to you in this familiar passage. I certainly needed to read it.

  7. I can so relate to this…right down to the ‘only child now turned homeschool mom’ part. Thanks for the encouragement today!

  8. Laura in Ontario says:

    I love this so much Rebecca! Thank you for sharing it. It’s just what I needed to hear today.

  9. Jacqueline Garcia says:

    This speaks right to my heart. I was just feeling this yesterday, that I need to be “on” at all times with nary a moment to myself. Thank you for sharing

  10. Keri Tidwell says:

    Your words deeply resonated with me this morning as I worry about so many things. Jesus understands and cares. I’m not alone. Thank you for sharing your heart. I doing so you have blessed mine. God bless you.

  11. I burst into tears after reading this. I was in that exact moment looking for a moment’s peace for my soul. I opened your email and it was as if God was speaking right to my heart saying, I see, I know, I’m here for you. Thank you for sharing! God bless you and your family! With much love and gratitude.

  12. Whoo boy did I need this today. Reading in the bathroom and I got a little teary eyed. Very relatable and timely. Thank you so much for putting these thoughts out there to share.

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