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  1. Thanks for linking to the Well Trained Mind reading list. I will be bookmarking it to refer to when trying to select a few titles to fill in educational gaps. Several are on my reading list this year . . .

    1. I was encouraged to see that I’ve already read several of the novels, though I’m severely lacking in the other categories.

  2. Hi, I haven’t read anything “mother culture” related for too long. Thank you for the gentle nag I found in my inbox today xxx

    1. My kids think I’m pretty skilled at nagging, so I’m happy to oblige! 🙂

  3. Fun to read, thank you!

    Yes, read Narnia books in the original order. There is a deeper structure to it and you’ll miss it if you try to rearrange the books or don’t pay attention. A good explanation is Planet Narnia. Its an easy read, makes sense, and gives a depth to the series that I could never put into words.

    1. we just finished the series and I agree! it would not have been the same had we read it in chronological order. 🙂

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