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  1. I’m glad you shared this. I have been interested in Azure Standard for about as long as you have been buying from them but for many many years they did not have a route in PA. Then, they did, but none near me. Instead, I was able to join a UNFI co-op delivery, but their website was difficult and the coop disbanded years ago. Today I checked the Azure Standar website and there is a drop off 25 minutes away (in a direction I frequently go!) I will be trying to figure out how this fits into my food sourcing and your list will be helpful as a starting place.

    I admire your food budget! I have chosen to put less to food to put more to student loans and I don’t feel great about especially regarding luxury items like coffee and chocolate chips. I’m very fortunate to live in an area with lots of local fruits and vegetables so I’ve put the majority of my food dollars to eating locally and in season for produce, milk, and meat. I used to buy some things from Amazon, but in recent years, anything I can’t order in bulk from our local health food store I have been buying from Vitacost. I find that they match or are lower than Amazon for prices especially with their frequent coupons and you can get cash back from Rakuten.

    1. Aah, I used Vitacost years ago but their prices were not great then. I will have to look into them again – thanks for the reminder!

  2. Amy Allen says:

    Would you ever consider sharing your excel spreadsheet with the grocery item cost comparison? It would be super helpful!

    1. I’ve actually thought about writing a post all about that…I may have to try and get that done this year. 🙂

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