Simplicity Paradox.
So much for writing more. 😐
I think I’m having a blogging personality crisis. When I first started blogging a hundred million years ago, it was much easier to just spew my inner thoughts and leave them displayed for the world to see without worrying what category I fit into. I had a handful of readers and though I constantly complained about my lack of readership and resultant lack of comments, a few of them were very faithful and kept coming back (and have found their way here as well!) even though I was a train wreck (and probably still am).
Maybe they just liked to watch a disaster in progress? Who knows?
The year has gotten off to a quiet start which I’m okay with. We spent the last few days of last year purging….a lot. What started as a simple plan on my part to re-sort B’s toy wealth into new, larger bins (he was very blessed this Christmas) for rotation turned into two days of purging, cleaning, and organizing his closet and part of the garage. How do we have so much stuff?! I just can’t figure it out. Every time we do a purge, I lean back and let out a self-satisfied sigh of accomplishment, relishing the thought of having an emptier home, only to wonder in amazement at all the stuff we discover to get rid of the next purge round. I know I used to be a horrible packrat, but it seems that even as I yearn to embrace this simplicity mindset, I just keep accumulating stuff.
I should add a resolution to my list to stop buying stuff.
There. It’s set in stone. Can’t argue with words on paper, right?