Sugar Detox Finale.
I’ve just finished my last slice of green apple.
When E is out of town, this is usually my favorite time of the day. After I leave B’s room (sometimes after he has fallen asleep, sometimes while he’s still singing or reciting one of his stories until he falls asleep on his own), I set the dishwasher up to do its calling, feed the cats, make a plate of a green apple and some almond butter for myself (tonight’s is my last one, which I’m very glad for), then grab my various electronic devices and head for our bedroom where I climb into bed and just let my brain melt for a few hours. Sometimes I surf. Sometimes I write here. Sometimes I get caught up in a Wikipedia vortex. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I watch something. But whatever I do, the time is mine. Really, the first time in the day that I feel like that is really mine.
I was ditched by a friend for supper, which made me sad, but I also just sort of accepted. I struggle with friendships and this one was definitely not an exception to that rule, so part of me doesn’t blame her. It also wasn’t a peaceful night with B and E had a rough day as well, so my brain melt time is a bit overshadowed.
On a lighter note, today is the last day of my sugar detox. I thought I’d get to this point and reach some kind of sugar-free nirvana where I transcended to not even craving the stuff anymore….but I haven’t. I’m not even a sugar bodhisattva. I’m still just a plain old girl who really likes sugar. Though, hopefully, when I partake in some pumpkin bars tomorrow made with maple syrup, one bar will be enough and I won’t eat the whole pan and then go and buy a chocolate bar on top of that as my former self would’ve done. And then eat some ice cream.
And then maybe another chocolate bar.
At least I gave my body a three-week break. I didn’t follow any one of the specific plans for the detox, choosing instead to do sort of a level 2.5, which means I only ate green apples or green-tipped bananas, I did have a cup of kombucha each day, I did not eat any grains or starches, but I did eat dairy. I also ate a LOT of bacon. A LOT. (Which is completely allowed.)
Aside from not really expelling myself of my sugar cravings, I did manage to expel myself of six pounds. So that’s good, I guess?
At any rate, I’m glad it’s over. But I’m also glad I did it. I learned that I can, indeed, make six meals a week from scratch without going batty. I also learned that I save a lot of money on groceries when I’m not buying treats each week. Go figure.
E suggested we do it every month for the first three weeks and then go crazy the fourth week. But he only made it to day seven before he left me behind in the sugar-free zone and dove into the wonderful world of the cafe mocha. Kindly, he didn’t drink it in front of me.
And now off to melt.