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  1. I love seeing the books you are reading and the birds. The books are similar to what we are reading, but the birds are always somewhat different from what we have in PA. I remember watching the Sarah Plain and Tall Glenn Close movie that my mom rented from the library on VHS, and when I made my huge list of movies based on books, I saw it was available on YouTube . . . maybe you guys can enjoy it.

    Also, fyi, I have been regularly commenting, but my comments were being blocked by askimet spam filter. I think I got them to fix the program so fingers crossed this one goes through 😉

    1. I like to see birds in other places as well. 🙂 When we take roadtrips, it’s always interesting to see what lives in other places that we don’t have here….like cardinals! We saw them when we were in Arizona a few years ago and I grew up with them in Minnesota, but they’re not here in Colorado. And I shared your big movie list in my newsletter! Thank you for putting that together! I’m sorry the comments weren’t working. 🙁 I had no idea but I’m glad this one seems to have gone through!

  2. I’m not an essential oil fanatic, but we use Plant Therapy too! Ran out of Germ Fighter a couple of weeks ago and have been meaning to put in an order. Thanks for the reminder. 😉 I love that I can even get free shipping to Canada (on orders of $50 or more)…although we only get 3.75% back at

    1. Normally we only get 3.5% back from Rakuten from PT, so I’m taking advantage of it while it lasts! They are a great little company, from what I’ve read….I really appreciate all they’ve been doing for their community during the epidemic!

  3. We have been listening to Dan Mohler’s Kingdom Living podcast, and it has been so beautiful to see how the Lord has been building us strong before these storms have come against us. I’m incredibly thankful that the Lord can redeems what the enemy throws against us! The Lord has not give us a spirit of fear but one of power, of love, and of a sound mind. It’s not just a comforting verse to repeat to ourselves, but truth. I’d highly recommend you listen in on Google podcasts! (I haven’t found it available anywhere else.)

    1. Thank you for that suggestion!

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