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  1. Dawn Duran says:

    I finished Hannah Coulter, for the second time, recently, too. I think I loved it all the more this time around, having a few more years of mothering under my belt. I have never been able to finish The Life-Giving Home either, despite all of its rave reviews. Maybe some day. 🙂

    1. That seems to be common….I think a lot of women find it a little discouraging, or at least not particularly reasonable. 🤷‍♀️

  2. Laura in Ontario says:

    Rebecca, I just started following your blog recently and so this is the first “system status” I’ve read. What a lovely, enjoyable to read post filled with so much goodness and beauty! I love the bird photos especially! But I wanted to comment mostly to tell you that I too, gave up reading The Lifegiving Home – I too found it very discouraging. Sally Clarkson is a lovely woman who has lovely ideas, and her family seems quite charming…but the things she talks about also seemed so much out of reach for me personally in my own circumstances. I mean, she actually talks about spontaneously flying to Paris to have the right atmosphere when she was writing her book! I read her blog for a while but gave it up for the same reason – it seemed to be more for rich, fancy people who have it all together, not for poor little church mouse like me. 🙂

    1. Yes, the Paris story was pretty far-fetched for me too. 🙂 I was listening to her podcast once and she had received an email from a single mother feeling rather discouraged because she didn’t have the time or resources to do many of the things suggested in the books (eg. supply of candles, holiday decorations, plants, etc.). And Sally said that it was more the idea behind those things that she meant…. making a space beautiful in whatever ways you can because beauty is important. I’m not sure how that applies to the Paris trips, but maybe we can do that on a smaller, more local level too. 🙂

      1. Laura in Ontario says:

        I agree with you Rebecca about the meaning behind Sally Clarkson’s message – I know she is on to a good thing with her emphasis on bringing beauty and order into the atmosphere of our homes – I just personally found that my own discouragement was getting too much in the way of enjoying her book or blog. It probably wouldn’t be that way if I had been a bit more comfortable financially. On the other hand, a book I found very encouraging this year is The Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer. In that book, the focus is on creativity and she shares many practical ideas for creating beauty in the home for very cheap by thinking outside the box.

        1. Yes! I definitely understand the discouragement which is why it took me 2 years to finish the book. 🙂 I actually don’t read her website partially for that reason. I did check that Edith Schaeffer book out at the library just a few weeks ago through interlibrary loan, but as so often happens, I had too many books I was wanting to read at the same time and that one didn’t actually make it to being read before I had to return it. I definitely need to get it again…I love her other books and I had a feeling that one would be no different. Thank you for recommending it!

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