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  1. Hi Rebbeca!
    I love reading about how your homeschool journey is going. Thank you so much for taking the time to blog about it. I really like how you do your “whiteboard Shakespeare.” I’m definitely trying that out with our next read! As far as the timeline goes, we actually haven’t done ANY, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to work it in. I just received The Living Page, and so I will plan to dive into it and try to get it read (along with a long list of other books, ALWAYS… haha) this summer. If you come to any special understandings on that front (thoughts, links to helpful articles, etc), please share! Lastly, I’ve decided to look into paper sloyd and clay modeling for our handicrafts this next year. I did check out the blog posts you linked to, but Dawn has only posted twice on the subject of the clay modeling class. I would love more info on what tools and things she’s using in the class so I can set us up at home. Thanks so much and God bless!

    1. Thanks for your comments, Dorinda! ☺️ I have used The Living Page has a good reference for various journal/common place/timeline/etc. books, but I’ve never actually sat down and read the whole thing. I probably need to do that, but I also have a stack! 😬I will let Dawn know you’d like to read more of the series, also!

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