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  1. I love your .5 year layout. We are doing .5 AO year also but just revising the yr1to work better for .5yr.
    Did you make your own chart/book selections? Or is this listed somewhere on AO site that I’ve missed?!

    1. I was going to do that with Y1 too, but when I started looking at it, I got a little overwhelmed. 😀

      There is an unofficial AO Y0.5 Yahoo Group ( and quite a few of the books on that list are on this list. Part of this is from curricula that I found around the internet that I took parts from and part of it is just books I inserted on my own. 🙂

      I’ve been editing as we’ve gone along and also plan on changing it more once we’re done…I’m going to replace Old Mother West Wind with one of the Among the …. People books by Clara Pierson as I think those will fit there better. It’s been fun to do and has been great practice for next year when we’re “official.” 🙂 How is your Y0.5 going?

  2. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I get overwhelmed when I look at AO, but this seems gentle and doable. Your website is lovely!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! I’m so glad someone out there finds it useful. 🙂

  3. This is fantastic! Just what I have been looking for. Thank you for including all of your sources, as well!

    1. Thanks, Heidi! 🙂 I hope you find it helpful!

  4. Simply wonderful! I have a 7, 5, 3 and 4 no old. I’m about to take on homeschool full force and love Charlotte Mason methodology. These term plans make next year feel more possible for me. Thank you for your hard work!

    1. I’m so glad it’s helpful, Jill! 🙂

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this, including the links to the free Kindle books. I love the schedule you have laid out. I was planning on starting my son for Y1 but after seeing this, I think I’ll wait and do Y0.5 instead. I will use the same schedule as you. I just need to do some revisions because there are some books that my son has already read. Do you also have a link to a version I can edit? I don’t have MS Office (I use a Mac) but I can edit using google docs. Thanks again for making our lives easier! 🙂

    1. I use Google Docs to create it (I’m also on a Mac and have MS Office for Mac but find Google Docs so much easier to work with!), so when I post the new version a little later this summer (I’ll be changing a few books), I’ll be sure to include a link to the editable spreadsheet. 🙂

      1. I can’t seem to make the Dropbox link work, REB. Could you point me in the right direction, please?

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