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  1. You words are beautiful. Thank you for including adopted mothers here, too.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. We are all mothers and we all make sacrifices! ♥

    2. I want to say the same.. Adopted mothers like me often have “broken bodies” that cannot give life. Yet, we are often overlooked, as are those trying so hard to conceive….such a painful cross. I too thank the author for including us. May all mothers and those desiring to be mothers know that God has called us to this very beautiful vocation. I wanted many children, but have only one adopted child. Yet, I know that God’s plan is perfect.

  2. thank you. this is so sweet and such a vivid analogy.

  3. Thank you for reminding us of the higher purpose and honor in this job so many would love to have, but are unable to.

  4. You nailed it. Exactly. Both beautiful and poignant, your words reflect the essence of motherhood.

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